Gareth Bacon following a significant amount of lobbying from his constituents, raising concerns about the height and density of the proposed planning application on the 21.02.22 submitted an objection. The following are quotes from this objection.

My main reason for objecting to the application is the sheer bulk, size and scale of the development proposed. These proposals would erect fifteen new buildings, ranging from four to 19 stories. Eight blocks would be above ten stories tall.

Gareth Bacon

Orpington is a suburban town that is more akin to Kent than a metropolitan city centre. The proposed development is not in keeping with that unique character. As well as being at odds with the surrounding area and the proposals exceed planning guidance for the town centre.

Gareth Bacon

Below is a copy in full of Gareth Bacon MP objection.

Gareth Bacon MP’s objection to the Walnut Centre planning application

While we await Areli to commence consultations again, prior to submitting a further planning application, we hope Areli have noted the concerns of Gareth Bacon MP and will address these concerns when submitting the new planning application. Should the new planning application not address the concerns about the sheer size and bulk of the development as well as concerns surrounding the loss of amenities, that Gareth Bacon MP will again represent the views of his constituents and formulate a further objection.