On 21st December 2021 Areli’s planning application was validated ( authorised) by London Borough of Bromley and became live on the Bromley planning portal. It then became much clearer what was planned.
This included:
- Demolition of the Walnuts Shopping Centre
- 990 flats primarily one and two bedroom with a few three bedroom flats proposed
- 15 blocks of flats of which two blocks were 20 storeys high
- Demolition of the Walnuts Leisure Centre
- Demolition of the Saxon Day Centre
- Very few additional car parking spaces despite a potential increase in population of 2500 residents.
Work on the development was proposed to start October 2022
The Campaign Group Committee examined the very large planning application as well as familiarising itself with the London and Local Plan in order to assist Nuts to the Walnuts members how to most effectively object to the planning proposal.
We number among our successes:
- Printing of 20,000 leaflets highlighting the concerns surrounding the development
- Distribution of the leaflets to 370 local roads
- Printing of large posters advertising our campaign which were placed in people’s windows as well as a few shop fronts. These were distributed at a small public meeting
- Campaigning in and around the High Street with “pop up” stands
- Holding a small public meeting where the Nuts to the Walnuts committee was formed
- Public meeting in Market Square which was attended by 350 residents as well as Councillors and prospective Councillors
- Meeting with Petts Wood Knoll Councillors
- Meeting with Bromley Mytime representatives
- Meeting Senior Pastor Hope Church
- Encouraging residents to formulate objections to the planning application online and offering assistance to those without the internet by providing templates for written responses
- Lobbying Gareth Bacon MP and ensuring our members lobbied their MP. This led to an objection being sent by Gareth Bacon to Bromley Council on behalf of his constituents objecting to the planning proposal
- Attendance at a variety Bromley Council Meetings
- Raising of funds to meet cost of printing posters etc
- Encouraging residents to contribute to the Supplementary Planning Document. A document that helps inform the Council what residents want for their local area in terms of shopping, housing and leisure provision. This included holding a number of “pop up” events.
Our committee comprises a dozen local Orpington residents who have spent a great deal of time over the last year on this campaign. Rest assured we will continue to campaign tirelessly if the new Areli planning application does not reflect the wishes of local residents. Cascade Communications have informed us that they will provide us in the future with some dates and times to meet with our core team.
Action Taken Since Areli Advised They Were To Resume Consultation Feb 2023
- Met with Labour Ward Councillor from a ward neighbouring Orpington
- Met senior members of staff from Mytime regarding the Leisure Centre
- Continue to lobby Councillors and Bromley Officers regarding when the revised SPD will be ratified.
- Held a meeting with Alicia Munday, Head of Regeneration Bromley regarding the Walnuts Leisure Centre and the consultation to be conducted by Alliance Leisure
- Attended two focus groups held by Alliance Leisure as part of their consultation with stakeholders and residents
- Encouraged members of our campaign to comment on the Local Plan whilst out for consultation and provided a Nuts to the Walnuts response to the Local Plan.
Redcliff Cap advise they are to commence consultation regarding developing the footprint on which the Walnuts Shopping Centre sits. The Leisure Centre is no longer included in the developers plans.
Action Taken Since Redcliff Cap Advised They Were To Commence Consultation.
- Members advised of consultation and encouraged to complete the online consultation.
- Members of the Committee attended first two consultations in the Walnut Shopping Centre on 21.10.23 and 11.11.23
- Attended two consultations at Hope Church on the 30.11.23 and 2.12.23 where Redcliff Cap provided rough drawings of proposed development. Proposals include three tower blocks, fifteen stories high and a minimum of 500 units.
- E- mailed Orpington Ward Councillors and requested an opportunity to meet to discuss proposals
- E- mailed MP Gareth Bacon outlining concerns.
- Virtual meeting with Redcliff Cap, AND Consultants and 2C Architects on 1.12.23. Ensured that Redcliff had seen NttW response to SPD consultation.