Redcliff commenced their consultation on the 29.09.23. This consultation period could last upto a year. To date there have been four public consultations which have included providing information as to the footprint for the development and the minimum number of units the developer maintains are necessary to make the development financially viable. Currently this stands at 500 units.
Sketchbook drawings have been provided showing three tower blocks 15 storeys high as well as lower tower blocks.
We have been promised that there will be a number of opportunities for the public to engage with the consultation process. We are lobbying for a 3D model that will show the scale of the proposed development and will continue to do this, so hopefully a model will be available at future consultations.
To access the official information provided by the developer please click here.
Things to consider whilst we remain in the consultation phase.
What type of housing do you want?
What height is acceptable to you? How many storeys?
How dense should the housing be? How many units given the space available would be acceptable to you?
What about the design? Should flats have their own balconies ie their own outdoor space?
What about the architectural design? How could the development reflect the history of the town? Last time Areli proposed embossing the concrete of the buildings with a feather in recognition of the Orpington Buff Chicken. I am sure people could come up with more creative suggestions.
Street lighting. What would you like to see? Lighting helps to make an area feel safe and welcoming, particularly at night and in the winter.
What about the retail offer. What sort of shops would you like to see? Do you want a market? Do you want an enclosed retail provision which provides shelter from inclement weather?
Soft landscaping. What would you like? Open areas? Seating? Walnut trees? Planting?
Parking. What is the minimum number of parking spaces that should be provided? Disabled parking?
What do you think should be included in the plans so that disabled people’s needs are met in full?
What additional amenities should be provided? Do you want a community centre that can be used by all ages perhaps with CAB presence, drop in facility for the elderly, mother and toddler groups, IT games room for teenagers?
Maybe you want a completely different amenity. A bowling alley?